Costa Rica Rainforest
Intricate patterns in a dessicated leaf that's been thoroughly chewed by insects, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
Sunrays through primary forest on the Sendero Roble (Ancient Oaks Trail), Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
Rare macro view of a Praying Mantis devouring a tiny winged insect, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
Rare macro view of a Praying Mantis devouring a tiny winged insect, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
Male violet sabrewing hummingbird (Campylopterus hemilecurus) perching, CR SP Ala De Sable Violaceo, Monteverde, Costa Rica
Arac. family (Xanthosoma undipes), also called elephant ear, along a foggy access road, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
A Costa Rican girl holds a (Papilio garamas syedra) or Swallowtail butterfly, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
A Costa Rican girl holds a (Papilio garamas syedra) or Swallowtail butterfly, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
A Costa Rican girl holds a (Papilio garamas syedra) or Swallowtail butterfly, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
Original Quaker Settler and Monteverde Reserve co-founder Wilford Guindon examines maps of the Penas Blancas Valley, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica.
The strange Tomato Hornworm caterpillar, with its fake eyes and fake tail to scare off predators such as birds, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
An exotic bronze metallic caterpillar inches along the edge of a leaf, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
The strange Tomato Hornworm caterpillar, with its fake eyes and fake tail to scare off predators such as birds, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
A tiny unknown caterpillar rising up to chew the end of a leaf. Stark red, yellow, and black coloration suggests danger, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
A tiny unknown caterpillar rising up to chew the end of a leaf. Stark red, yellow, and black coloration suggests danger, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
A striking pale blue, red, and black stinkbug, shows the topside, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
A striking pale blue, red, and black stinkbug, shows the underside, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
A wild avocado (Lauracea sp.), in an area near Monteverde, Costa Rica where new species of the tree have bee found in recent years. It's a favorite of the three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunlata).
Amber-colored sap drips from a broken stem in a palm plant, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Lichen-Mimic Katydids take on the appearance of different lichens for protection, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Face-to-face with the strange Tomato Hornworm caterpillar, with its fake eyes and fake tail to scare off predators such as birds, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
An unidentified white and orange caterpillar slithers down the underside of a branch, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
The strange Tomato Hornworm caterpillar, with its fake eyes and fake tail to scare off predators such as birds, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Fiery-throated hummingbird (Panterpe insignis) - SP Colibri Garganta De Fuego, Monteverde, Costa Rica
Macro view of the eyespot on the Owl Butterfly - SP Caligo, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Macro view of the eyespot on the Owl Butterfly - SP Caligo, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Inside wing from a Blue Morpho ( Peleides limpida) butterfly, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Detail of the outside wing from a Blue Morpho ( Peleides limpida) butterfly, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Macro view of unknown moth wing revealing individual colored scales, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Macro view of the underside of a green scarab beetle, revealing its intricate plates of armor, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Green violet-ear hummingbird (Colibri thalassinus) - SP Colibri Orejiviolaceo Verde, Monteverde, Costa Rica
Macro view of a jelly mushroom growing over fern fronds. (Calostoma cinnabarina), Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Ground level view of misty cloud forest canopy with tall tree ferns, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Ground level view of misty cloud forest canopy with tall tree ferns, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
The roots of a huge strangler fig tree spread across the Sendero Chomogo, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Venomous side-striped palm pit viper (Bothriechus lateralis), Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica. SP Lora
Venomous side-striped palm pit viper (Bothriechus lateralis), Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica. SP Lora
The exotic fruit of the (Pithecellobium costaricense) tree, a mass of red "who-knows-what" encasing a shiny black ball of a seed, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Perhaps the only photograph in existence of mating zeebra weevils, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
The brilliant orange caterpillar of a (Saturnidae sp.) moth, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
The caterpillar of a (Saturnidae sp.) moth curled in a defensive posture on a leaf, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
The bizarre and spectacular caterpillar of the Owl Butterfly with its alien-looking orange eyes. (eurilochus sulanus) SP Buito pardo, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
The bizarre and spectacular caterpillar of the Owl Butterfly (eurilochus sulanus) SP Buito pardo. Eaten leaves are visible through it's transparent skin. The airholes and capillaries distribute oxygen. Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica.
Leaf-cutter ants. The big ant carries a big leaf, and the smaller ants will jump off and defend the large one. (Atta cephalotes) - SP Zompopas, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
A massive 10 ft. (3 meters) wide Strangler-Fig tree in a field adjacent to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Dramatic view of cloud forest and ferns in early morning fog. Near black and white atmosphere, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Dramatic view of cloud forest and ferns in early morning fog. Near black and white atmosphere, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Tiny rain frog (Eleutherodactylus sp.) with translucent webbed toes, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica
A mimic katydid hangs suspended from a branch, posing as a brown leaf, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Profile of mating rain frogs (Eleutherodactylus sp.) with the smaller male on top, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica
Profile of mating rain frogs (Eleutherodactylus sp.) with the smaller male on top, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica
Deep orange sunset over the cloud forest showing the details of the canopy in silhouette, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
A beautful and remote stretch of the Quebrada La Cuecha, including a small waterfall and a bromeliad-covered log across the creek, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
(Costus sp.) plant wth red and yellow flower. A classic cloud forest plant, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica